Fire has provided ongoing support since 1995 to improve the communities throughout Orissa (the poorest state in India) for sustained positive transformational development. 

Thousands of tribal and Dalit villages in Orissa state do not have schools, electricity or clean water. FIRE partners with indigenous organizations to bring primary schools to these villages along with sponsoring primary school teachers to staff the village primary schools.

FIRE community transformation begins with the development of Self Help Groups to equip the women of the villages to save for, plan and begin their own self help group micro businesses.  The education continues with CHE; Community Health Education programs for each village self help group in each community. CHE training and certification is one prerequisite to obtain micro financing to capitalize their micro enterprise growth.

FIRE coordinates and supports over 106 Christian faith-based indigenous organizations in Orissa state through leadership education and development. FIRE facilitates the expertise for leadership training, which has set up a complete Training the Trainers (ToT) program.  Since 2006 this master training program has expanded leadership capacity into many of the districts and villages of Orissa.

Education, Community Restoration and Transformation in India

The Foundation for International Research and Education is committed to creating sustainable, positive, transformational, development in the poorest parts of the world.  This commitment begins with research to determine effective educational training programs that can best assist indigenous organizations in positive community development.


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